MEDES: Free registration for the little swimmers!
Before we start talking about how to make your son or daughter fall in love with open water swimming we must clarity that the main goal of participating in such events should be having fun! In all of our crossings we include a Kids Open Water Crossing so that from an early age they learn to love the sea and find enjoyment in swimming in an open water environment.
In that regards, the Medes Junior is the kids version of the non-competive Neda El Món crossings. It is a leisure and free activity set up to promote open waters from a young age. In this year's event, every kid will be able to register for one of the crossings of 50m, 100m and 200m. And as it happened in Swim Barcelona, if parents want to join their kids while they swim, they can do so.
Please, feel free to can register the little swimmers here.
Neda el Món
12/11/2021 2:11:23 AM