Gibraltar Strait is coming
For those who do not know about the swim, it is a crossing that fully allocates its profits to the TV3 Marató, which this year focuses on the fight against coronavirus.
For those with more experience you can join the 5,200m swim, which goes around the Medes Islands, and you also have the 3,400m and 1,700m. You can sign up for the crossing by clicking here, where you will also find more information on each distance separately.
We want to reiterate that today we are monitoring the progress of the coronavirus outbreak and that at all times the security protocols stipulated by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Procicat will be respected.
We hope to make our contribution to the fight against coronavirus with the celebration of the 11th Neda el Món Illes Medes for the TV3 by Zoggs Marathon.
Many swimmers wonder how they can improve their pace. There are several elements involved in improving it. In this article we will review them to give you some tips ton how to improve the pace of swimming in open water.
First, you need to think that you can swim at various speeds (like the “gears” of a car), but you need to train to make it possible. To improve your pace you have to do sets. That is, you cannot always train at a fast pace or at a cruising pace. It is necessary to vary the intensities throughout the training.
Short sets (25m-50m-100m)
The short sets serve to work a little above your optimal swimming pace. The optimal swimming pace is one that allows you to swim without getting too tired for a good while. To improve it, you need to train short sets to increase your lactate resistance. Some examples of series you can include in your workouts are:
Medium pace sets (200m-400m)
With these sets you will not seek to go at your maximum speed. Aerobic endurance is worked on with longer breaks, of about 30 seconds, and the idea is to internalize these pace in the long series. For example:
Long sets (+400m)
With long sets you can practice situations similar to those of competition. You can include longer sets in your workouts and you have to try to swim them faster and faster, by improving your pace at shorter sets. You can start by making "pyramids" like this:
It is very important that your workouts are dynamic and fun, not monotonous. Workouts should serve to improve your pace, distract your mind, have fun, and improve as an athlete.
Let's swim!
As we’ve completed the 24 inscriptions for the 2020 Gibraltar crossing, Neda el Món opens from now on the inscriptions for the 2021 crossing. Are you up for an incredible challenge? Cross the Strait of Gibraltar with us in 2021! It’s between 16 and 18 km of open waters, swimming from Tarifa to Morocco, accompanied by dolphins, moonfish, tuna fish...
You will find all information at Start your adventure right now!
The Neda el Món Zoggs Medes Islands Marató TV3 celebrates this year its 11th anniversary and in order to commemorate with lots of swim addict, Neda el Món offer a 30% discount to the first 100 swimmers who sign in to any of the three distances of the 11th Neda el Món Zoggs Medes Islands Marató TV3 which will take place on October 25: 1.7 k, 3.4 k or 5.2 k.
Just enter the code MEDES30% during the registration process. Be a part of it and enjoy with us the Natural Park of the Medes Islands!