Freesowl, a new way to explore seas, rivers and lakes
Our swimaddict James Manresa introduces Freesowl, bringing a new way to explore the coasts of seas, rivers, and lakes by swimming self-sufficiently.
The backpack, eco-designed and produced with materials partly recovered from the oceans, can carry everything needed for multi-day excursions, alternating between swimming and walking as desired. The experience can be personalized with accessories such as solar panels to recharge electronic devices, a multi-support pole to carry a camera, or even pockets to store trash collected from the sea, among others.
"In 2009, I felt the need to travel along a coast swimming, similar to how hikers walk in the mountains, but there was no backpack to do it, so I built one myself," explains James Manresa. "I tested the new prototype by exploring Cap de Creus and sections of the Ebre River, among others, and it went so well that I felt it was time to share it."
Freesowl is generating a lot of interest among swimmers, travellers, adventurers, and sports enthusiasts in general. This has led the creator to fund the launch of limited first units at special prices through a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter from March 12th to April 12th.
Freesowling represents a new milestone in the rise of sustainable activities in open waters, allowing users to enjoy an unprecedented playful and immersive experience with the awareness that a portion of the profits will be dedicated to cleaning plastics from rivers and seas.
To learn more about Freesowl and support the campaign, visit