There are no frontiers to Neda el Món! This time we are going to France, to the Languedoc-Roussillon zone, at only 45 minutes from Catalonia.
Leucate La Franqui is situated at the Gulf of Lion, more precisely at the Corbières Maritimes, between Perpignan and Narbonne. The event will consist of a 3,5 km swim and a 6,1 km swim. They will be held one after the other, so anyone who wants to swim both will be able to do it, swimming a total of 9.6 km.
Besides an amazing sandy beach, Leucate has a lot more to offer to you and your family or friends in case they are coming along. A beautiful multicoloured Mediterranean village, excellent gastronomy based on local products, a protected natural area with beautiful landscapes and even a castle! Do not miss out on this chance to visit this lovely Languedoc-Roussillon spot!
The swim will be held on September 6th, 2015. Sign in now and discover with us the Gulf of Lion waters!
Find more information about the event on this link.
Have you ever stopped to think if there is any place in the world where you would like to swim and have not done it yet?
Think about it, there are amazing places where you can swim ... Now think again bearing in mind that Neda el Món can organize the swim of your dreams! Whether close to home or around the world, we put all our experience at your disposal to make your most wished swim come true.
Just send us an email to info@nedaelmon.com and soon we will contact you to design the event and make you a custom-made budget, either for yourself or for a closed group of swim addicts.
Make your dream come true, and Swim the World!
Less than one month left for the 5th Neda el Món Zoggs SwimBarcelona!
The swim will take place on July 19, and it will be also the 7th stage of the I Spanish Open Water Cup 2015! A new competition organized by the Royal Spanish Swimming Federation, with 15 stages and a final stage distributed throughout Spain.
With two distances, 5.7 km and 3.6 km, it is a emblematic swim of our calendar that lets you enjoy spectacular views of the skyline of Barcelona from the sea.
Registrations are now open, so save the date and see you in Barcelona!
Whether you are just a beginner in this open water thing as if you are a experienced swim addict, you have an appointment in El Masnou next Saturday July 4th!
That's because we are organizing an open water training session with distances adapted to the level of each swimmer: 1,000 m, 2,500 m, 5,000 m and 8,000 m. Pick yours!
The training will be supervised by the Neda el Món Club technical team with the following objectives:
Analyzing the basic flaws in freestyle swimming
Introducing warm up and warm down habits in the workouts
Improving the technique of swimming in the open sea
Understanding the structure of a workout
Exposing the benefits of a training program
More information and registrations on this link!
Do not miss the pictures of the 5th Neda el Món Sailfish Prades Siurana swim!
Thanks again to all participants. We are looking forward to see you in the 5th Neda el Món Zoggs SwimBarcelona swim!
Picasa album.
Hello swim addicts!
Here you have the classification for the 5th Neda el Món Sailfish Prades Siurana swim:
Thanks so much to everyone for coming, see you on July 19th for the 5th Neda el Món Zoggs SwimBarcelona swim!
Or even sooner, on the open waters training El Masnou - Premià we are organizing for Saturday July 4th. You'll be able to choose between the following distances: 1.000 m , 2.500 m, 5.000 m and 8.000 m. Join us!
Thanks also to all the sponsors, contributors and volunteers who once again made possible this iconic swim of the Neda el Món calendar.
Swim addicts, the 5th Neda el Món Sailfish Prades Siurana swim is just around the corner!
Here you have the agenda for Saturday and Sunday for you to enjoy the weekend with us:
Saturday, June 20th
16: 30 h - Prades Town Hall - Excursion in the Prades Mountains. Sign in here!
Sunday, June 21st
09: 00 h - Siurana Lake - Swimmers meeting and briefing
10: 00 h - Siurana Lake - Start 3 km swim
10: 05 h - Siurana Lake - Start 6 km swim
10: 10 h - Siurana Lake - Start 9 km swim
13: 00 h - Siurana Lake - Paddle Surf test. Sign in here!
See you soon!
Only one month left for the 5th Neda el Món Zoggs SwimBarcelona!
The swim will take place on July 19, and it will be also the 7th stage of the I Spanish Open Water Cup 2015! A new competition organized by the Royal Spanish Swimming Federation, with 15 stages and a final stage distributed throughout Spain.
With two distances, 5.7 km and 3.6 km, it is a emblematic swim of our calendar that lets you enjoy spectacular views of the skyline of Barcelona from the sea.
Registrations are now open, so save the date and see you in Barcelona!
Looking for new swimwear? Get the the new one Turbo has especially designed for Neda el Món!
In a bright white colour and fully lined, it is an awesome design with the highest Tubo quality.
Find them in our online store!
Neda el Món wants to take care of your health and your efficiency. That is why we offer a sports nutrition service.
The sports nutrition is an important part of the invisible training. Trough a correct nutrition program you will have the necessary nutrients at any moment in order to optimize your efficiency, which will help you to reach your sports challenges.
The specific and personalised nutrition programs are adapted to the different stages of the training and the open water season (keeping in form, training, before the challenge as well as during the crossings and the recovering afterwards).
Which benefits does the Neda el Món nutrition program provide?
Get healthful nutrition habits
Improve your efficiency during the competition
Avoid health problems and injuries
Improve your immunological condition
Avoid nutrition mistakes
Use the adequate supplements in relation to the training phase
Check on our website the different nutrition programs you can sign in to.
Outfit yourself for a great open water season with the Sailfish wetsuits, now with a 10 % discount in our online store!
Well known for their high degree of flexibility, excellent balance of buoyancy as well as superior hydrodynamics, the Sailfish wetsuits are loyal to their motto: “made to make you faster”.
Enter the code JXCB5 when paying for the discount to be applied.
Promotion valid for Grange, Vibrant, Attack, One, Edge and Edge LS models. Take advantage of it!
Do not miss the pictures of the 5th Neda el Món Sailfish Sa Dragonera swim!
Thanks again to all participants. We are looking forward to see you in the 5th Neda el Món Sailfish Prades Siurana swim!
Album in Picasa.
Need some swimming fins for your workouts? Hand paddles, front tube, a pull buoy? Now you can find all these training aids in our online store!
Reviewed and tested personally by the Neda el Món Club coaches, this aids will allow you to improve your technical skills and make the most of the meters you swim in the swimming pool.
Check it out!
The Neda el Món Club weekly open water trainings in the sea are starting now, join us!
The sessions will take place on Thursday from 13 to 15 h in Espai de Mar at the Barceloneta beach, and will be led by our coach Marian Bombom. You'll have changing rooms, lockers and showers.
If you are a member of the Neda el Món Club and Thursday at noon is one of your scheduled sessions, this training is included.
If you want to attend to one of this training sessions, whether or not you are member of the Neda el Món Club , sign up through this link. We are looking forward to see you!
Do not miss it, Monday 8th June is the last day to take advantage of the reduced-price fee for the 5th Neda el Món Sailfish Prades Siurana swim!
The Neda el Món Sailfish Prades Siurana is a fresh water swim in a unique environment that never ceases to amaze newcomers and veterans. You have to live it! It’s also an ideal event to bring your friends and relatives and enjoy the weekend.
It will take place on June 21, and with some changes regarding the distances: 3,000 m, 6,000 m and 9,000 m, competitive and non-competitive, it's up to you.
More information and registrations on this link!
Do you have any special goal for this 2015? Would you like to complete our calendar? Want to improve your swimming technique and enjoy more of each swim? Join the Neda El Món Club!
With group sessions at the Bernat Picornell Swimming Pools, 20% discounts on the Crossings and Clinics of our calendar, group outings to swim on the sea and many other advantages.
Either you choose the weekly or the monthly option, the training sessions are 2 hours long and they are composed by a dryland workout (Thera-Band®), a swimming technique workout and a swimming endurance workout. There is also an online option.
Read all the details and schedule at this link or send us and e-mail to info@nedaelmon.com for any question you may have.
Make a major step forward in your open water performance!
Hello swim addicts!
Here you have the classification for the 5th Neda el Món Sailfish Sa Dragonera swim:
Thanks so much to everyone for coming, see you on June 21st for the 5th Neda el Món Sailfish Prades Siurana swim!
Thanks also to all the sponsors, contributors and volunteers who once again made possible this iconic swim of the Neda el Món calendar.