Results 8a Neda el Món Swim Barcelona
Here you have the results of the Swim Barcelona by Neda el Món.
See you in our next swim: Swim Sa Dragonera!
Here you have the results of the Swim Barcelona by Neda el Món.
See you in our next swim: Swim Sa Dragonera!
The eighth edition of Swim Barcelona by Neda el Món was held yesterday in a day marked by complicated maritime conditions, which forced the Neda el Món team to do a shorter swim in a controlled area on Mar Bella Beach.
The swim could finally be carried out in Mar Bella in a 1.500m circuit. Swimmers of the 5.700m swim made three laps around it, while participants of the 3,600m did two.
In addition, the Sports Council of Barcelona and Neda el Món organized short 50m,100m and 200m swims for young swimmers. A total of 180 children could swim yesterday in Mar Bella. The Kids race were also affected by sea conditions. In their case they were carried out on the right side of the breakwater of Mar Bella, where the sea was much calmer.
We take this opportunity to thank all the participants for their assitance, Neda el Món's Sea Operations team and the coastguards. Also, we would like to mention our partners: Zone3, Nutritape, VITAM, SafeCare, Tuath Studio, El Quinto Meta, el Centre Municipal de Vela i l'Ajuntament de Barcelona, as well as all the volunteers who made the event possible.
Thank you so much!
Safety is a basic tenet in Neda el Món, that is why we have decided to add the Safe Sea cream to our online store. Safe Sea contains unique and patented ingredients that protect against jellyfish stings in several ways:
Safe Sea prevents the stimulation of jellyfish tentacles after contact with the human skin.
Other features:
We are about to close registrations for the 8th Neda el Món Swim Barcelona that will take place on May 27th in Barcelona. If you do not have registered yet, it is time to do it soon, because we are a few days away of closing registrations. On Monday, 21st the registration process will close.
With two distances, 5.7 km and 3.6 km, the 8th Neda el Món Swim Barcelona is a fantastic swim that will allow you to enjoy spectacular views of the skyline of Barcelona from the sea.
Recordad que ya podéis apuntaros a la 1ª Neda el Món Swim Run Llançà - El Port de la Selva que discurre por la Costa Brava Norte y tiene dos distancias: 10K y 28K, con salidas desde de la playa de Llançà, y con las llegadas a la localidad marinera de El Port de la Selva.
Si deseas ver contenido sobre la carrera puedes pulsar aquí:
Ajuntament de Llançà, Ajuntament del Puert de la Selva, Ajuntament de Colera, Club Nàutic El Port de la Selva, SALAsalut.