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Swimming around the Medes Islands is spectacular. Every year Neda el Món organises a challenging crossing in a spectacular surrounding, the protected area of the Medes Islands. Since 2011 the crossing starts at the small Estartit beach, we swim between the big and the small Meda Island and finish again at the small Estartit beach.
Altogether 5,200m, there is also a shorter version of 3,400m and another for new swim addicts, the swim baptism, a 1,700m-swim, ideal to be released and to be accompanied by an expert swim addict.
The swims will be held November the 4th, but if the weather won't be enough good, the swims will be on November the 5th So, swimmers need to block the whole weekend.
Maria Rossell Pujol
8/24/2017 11:42:53 AM