A day later, two more swimmers in Bonifacio: 18 out of 18!!



After 16 of 16 nedaddicts on September 25 in the Strait of Bonifacio, on Tuesday the 26th two other nedaddicts, François Peyrot (France) and Marc Caballé (Spain, and founder and CEO of Neda el Món) also achieved the challenge.

In both cases, the swimmers had to overcome large currents against them in the last kilometer and a half, having to invest more than an hour to complete this small distance. François needed 5 hours and 5 minutes to complete 18.1km and Marc 6 hours and 15 minutes to complete 18.7km. They also both ended up in Capo Testa, in this case on the west side.

Congratulations Nedaddicts!

Martí Bailac Gonzalez
10/1/2023 7:04:33 PM
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